Best Email Apps For Mac And Gmail


It’s impossible to create a list of the best email apps out there today without adding the ubiquitous Gmail. If you use an Android device this app will usually come preloaded, and many people who need a free email client will turn to Gmail for an easy-to-use app. Gmail especially makes sense if you use the rest of the Google suite of products. 10 Best Email Apps. Gmail (Web, Android, iOS) Don’t be surprised that the best free email app comes default on most Android devices. After all, when Google initially. Aqua Mail (Android) 3. Microsoft Outlook (Android, iOS, Windows) 4. ProtonMail (Web, Android, iOS) 5. Mimestream is a super-efficient email app for Macs. The Mac isn’t overly blessed with great email apps. The built-in Mail app is OK. Outlook for Mac is OK, but overblown for most users. If you have multiple Gmail accounts that you use simultaneously, Mailplane is the app you need to have on your Mac. Simply put, Mailplane is a native Mac app that wraps around the familiar web interface of Google’s products. With Mailplane, you get Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts — all in the same application. The app, available for both iOS and Mac, offers a range of advanced productivity tools including email tracking, send later and read later, all from a tidy interface.

Best Email Apps For Mac And GmailBest

Bonus: Clean Email (Android and iOS)


Even though Clean Email isn’t an email client like the other best email apps mentioned in this article, we didn’t want to leave it out because you would be hard-pressed to find a more useful email app. With Clean Email, you can conquer inbox clutter by getting rid of hundreds and thousands of unwanted emails with just a few simple clicks because Clean Email can intelligently organize your entire inbox into convenient bundles—no manual work required.

Best Email Apps For Mac And Gmail Account

Best mail app for mac gmail

Best Email Apps For Mac And Gmail Settings

If that’s not a good enough reason for you to give Clean Email a try, you should know that this popular email management tool can also automatically apply all sorts of actions to new emails, such as assigning a corresponding label to all emails from your coworkers or friends as soon as they arrive, making it easier for you to find them when you need them.

Best Email Apps For Mac And Gmail Inbox

In addition to its Android and iOS apps, there is a web version of Clean Email that works in all major web browsers. As such it doesn’t really matter which operating system you use because Clean Email is the best email app for Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS users alike.