Running the Tool Windows. Open CMD. First Go to Directory Contains Files With CD Command. To run Lex on a source file, type flex (lex source file.l) Command. It produces a file named lex.yy.c which is a C program for the lexical analyzer.
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Recently, i had to install lex and yacc on quite a few ubuntu/installations because of college practicals exams (15-20 machines approximately) and that really fed me up :( . Installing Lex and Yacc on Ubuntu/LinuxMint isn’t much difficult and is a cake-walk) if you can follow the correct steps as mentioned in this article –
Procedure to install Lex/Yacc on Ubuntu / LinuxMint
Pre-requisites :
- An existing Ubuntu / Linux Mint Installation .
- A working Internet connection.
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Steps –
- First of all connect your Ubuntu/LinuxMint to the Internet and Open terminal (you can use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+t to open the terminal)
- Now in terminal type the following command. (You can check the above image for the screenshot)
- Now, it will ask for your password – Please type the password for your Linux Account and hit Enter. (Note : While typing the password nothing will be visible on terminal –it’s normal simply continue typing your password and hit enter when you are done with it)
- It may also ask for your permissions to update simply type “y” and hit enter , it will update its repositories through the internet, wait till the complete index update gets completed and it presents you with a terminal screen to enter command .
- Now , first we will install the Lex package which is called as flex by typing the following command in terminal –
- Again it will , ask for confirmation , simply respond with “y” and hit enter. Lex will be successfully installed , and you will be presented with the terminal screen .
- Now, Let’s move on to the installation of Yacc for which we will be using the bison package . Type the following command in the terminal to install yacc –
- That’s it the Yacc file too will be downloaded and installed , sometimes the Repository servers of bison are down and give errors in such cases you can use any of the following alternatives to install yacc.-
That’s it it was this much simple :) , Happy Lex and Yacc programming.
If you have any doubts/or want to enquire about any issues/errors feel free to comment, I will be happy to help you :) , also will be adding screenshots to this article once i am done with my practicals.