How Much Dmg Do Satchel Charges Do To Walls

The definitive and updated quick sheet that shows all main raiding tools and it's effectiveness. The last column is the cheapest Sulfur raiding method, allowing you to save thousands of Sulfur. How Much Raid Costs Rust Raid Costs - Quick Sheet. Also, even though it was stated tossing a satchel or C4 directly onto a lock not applying damage to the parent entity (E.G. A door) bug was fixed, it isn't actually fixed and will often not do any damage if applied directly to the lock/keypad.

Satchel Charge
Stacks of1
Inventory slots


Use to

Destroy buildings, vehicles or kill Mod:survivors

You also need


DurationCan be placed anywhere on the server where it is deployed:
  • Until detonated by the player who placed it, either via timer or remote
  • Until it is disarmed by a different player
RarityVery Rare


Satchel charges are destructive explosives that have the capability of being able to destroy anything in Chernarus. Once placed, they can either be detonated remotely or with the aid of a timer.

A satchel charge can be disarmed and picked up by the player.

Satchel Charges have a detonation range of 300m.

Locations[edit | edit source]

The only confirmed location of the Satchel Charge is the Mod:Barracks on the Mod:International Airfield.

On unofficial maps, the Satchel Charge can spawn in other areas, just always in a set of Mod:Barracks.

Retrieved from ''

It is a fresh month for Rust development and we are seeing a bunch of welcomed changes along with a new raiding tool! After asking the community for a changes wishlist, the team is on fire, rocking out a ton of improvements.

Given this week is the first update of the month, all maps will wipe when the patch goes live on Thursday (no sign of a forced XP wipe). Let’s get into it...

Satchel charge added

A new, lower tier way of raiding has been added: The satchel charge. Made of 4 beancan grenades and a small stash, this explosive package is good for destroying wood and sheet metal doors. They take 30 seconds to craft, stack to 10, and are unlocked at level 15. They also exhibit beancan behavior (meaning there can be duds, short fuses, long fuses, etc.). Here’s some details and damage stats:


Top of the wishlist, the ability to rotate has been added! Done by pressing ‘R’, items can now rotate 90 degrees prior to being placed. This functionality has been added to all building blocks (walls, doors, etc.) along with all placeable items (furnace, boxes, etc.).

How Much Dmg Do Satchel Charges Do To Walls Like

Crossbow reload buff

The very unpopular nerf of the crossbow has been reversed, you can now once again reload a crossbow while running.

XP changes

How Much Dmg Do Satchel Charges Do To Walls Need

How much dmg do satchel charges do to walls look

Helk has also made some changes to XP. First, you now earn XP from bandaging and syringing other players (max 1.0 per use) along with XP if someone uses your bandage or syringe. Finally, he’s also removed the gather diminishing from others and changed the max XP which can be earned from that to 2.

Bleed changes

Andre has tweaked how bleeding works and is displayed. The bleeding rate is 20 damage per minute and bleed causing weapons add 20 bleeding per 100 damage that was dealt (so if you do 50 damage to someone, they will have 10 bleed). Also, bleeding is now displayed as total damage that will be applied over the bleeding duration.

Quality of life improvements

The team has also made a bunch of quality of life changes. Here are some highlights:

  • C4 costs 20% less sulfur
  • The crafting time for explosives and gunpowder has been reduced by half or more
  • Armored door is available at level 17 (was 20)
  • Halved crafting time for ladder, bed, campfire, ceiling light, cupboard, bow, crossbow
  • Changed how armor absorbs damage (so clothing and armor correctly add up)
  • Added ammo type to combat log

Other things

There have also been a handful of other fixes:

  • Bean cans are slightly more expensive
  • Added hurt admin console command (takes amount of damage as parameter)
  • Fixed explosive rounds dealing almost double explosive damage
  • Fixed rock box stacking exploits (RUST-1145)
  • Fixed high external walls/gates being placeable in foundations (RUST-41)